Aaron P. Smith

Aaron P. Smith produces and manages digital marketing campaigns for Campus Labs, a Buffalo-area startup. His career in marketing incorporates his passions in technology and design, two fields he studied while earning his terminal degree (Master of Fine Arts) from SUNY at Buffalo in the Department of Media Study. His studies lead to an opportunity to present at an international conference in New Zealand.

About Ben Dunkle

Ben Dunkle is a professor at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY where he serves as Chair of the Department of Communication and teaches digital media courses. Ben is a practicing consultant, offering web design and development, illustration, and training services to business, non-profits, and anyone who needs them. As an artist, he creates prints, paintings, drawings and 3D work; as a designer he makes icons, fonts and custom lettering. Ben has organized and spoken at numerous WordCamps and runs a monthly WordPress users meetup group in Buffalo, NY.
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