An award winning creative director, designer and owner of Trailer Trash Design, Joe thumbs his nose at the stuffed-shirt, smoke and mirrors approach to providing creative communication services. Operating under the sometimes unheard of adage that work can be fun, Joe, with his off-the-cuff approach, offers his clients full service creative consulting, graphic design, advertising and production for print media collateral, websites, internet marketing and multi-media presentations. Incorporating an extensive network of talented colleagues allows him to tailor fit a creative marketing strategy to the individual need of his clients to bring projects in on time and within budget
Joe Rozsa
About Ben Dunkle
Ben Dunkle is a professor at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY where he serves as Chair of the Department of Communication and teaches digital media courses. Ben is a practicing consultant, offering web design and development, illustration, and training services to business, non-profits, and anyone who needs them. As an artist, he creates prints, paintings, drawings and 3D work; as a designer he makes icons, fonts and custom lettering. Ben has organized and spoken at numerous WordCamps and runs a monthly WordPress users meetup group in Buffalo, NY.
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