“Hidden” WordPress Features

There are WordPress Features You May Not Know.

If you are like many, there always seem to be things you wish you could do with WordPress, but maybe can’t figure out. This session will provide you with some great tips and tricks for you to make working with WordPress even easier.

From changing the number of posts on the dashboard page, to adding a target to link to on the menu dashboard, there are many things that are easy to accomplish — if only you know where to look. Not only are there screen options on almost every dashboard page, but there are help pulldowns, too, helping to answer questions before you might even need to turn to help in a forum.

We will also cover shortcuts for use in the editor window, and a quick and easy way to save your favorite plugins to find at a click to upload to your site.


About Michelle Frechette

Michelle Frechette is the Executive Director of Post Status. Michelle was called "The busiest woman in WordPress," by Matt Mullenweg at WCUS 2022. In addition to her work at Post Status, Michelle is the Podcast Barista at WPCoffeeTalk.com, cofounder of underrepresentedintech.com, creator of WPSpeakers.com, creator of wpcareerpages.com, author, and a frequent organizer and speaker at WordPress events. Michelle lives outside of Rochester, NY where she’s an avid nature photographer. You can learn more about Michelle at meetmichelle.online. Executive Director of Post Status Creator of WPCareerPages.com and WPSpeakers.com Organizer: WordCamp US 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Organizer, WordCamp Europe 2022 Organizer: WordCamp Buffalo 2016, 2018, 2019, 2023 Organizer: WordCamp Rochester 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023, 2024 Organizer: Rochester WordPress User Meetup Organizer: WordFest Live 2021, 2022 Organizer: WP Career Summit 2022 WordCamp Mentor WordPress Photo Team Podcaster: WPCoffeeTalk.com, Underrepresented In Tech, Post Status Speaking History: (2025) WordCamp Asia.(2024) WordCamp Asia; WordCamp Montclair; WordCamp Canada. (2023) WordCamp Asia; WordCamp Phoenix; WordCamp Europe; WordCamp Montclair; WordCamp Buffalo; WPCampus; WordCamp Rochester, WordCamp Montreal. (2022) WordCamp Montclair; Atarim Digital Agency Summit. (2021) WordCamp India; WordCamp Northeast Ohio; WordCamp Santa Clarita Valley, WordCamp Taiwan. (2020) WordCamp Miami; WordCamp Kent; WordCamp Denver. (2019) WordCamp Buffalo (keynote); WordCamp Hamilton; WordCamp Kent (keynote); WordCamp Ottawa; WordCamp Montreal, WordCamp Rochester; WordCamp Niagara. (2018) WordCamp San Diego; WordCamp Buffalo; WordCamp St. Louis; WordCamp Kent, WordCamp Boston, WordCamp Hamilton, WordCamp Rochester, WordCamp Montreal. (2017) WordCamp Portland, Maine; WordCamp Ottawa; WordCamp Montreal, WordCamp Toronto, WordCamp Providence, WordCamp Rochester. (2016) Hiring Your New Superintendent: Process, Stakeholders, and Applicants, Oh My!, New York State School Boards Association Annual Convention and Tradeshow in Buffalo, NY; The Hidden Features of WordPress, WordCamp Buffalo, WordCamp Ottawa, WordCamp Toronto, WordCamp Pittsburgh; Writing Better Email, Genesee Valley BOCES District Clerks Conference; (2015). Effective School Board Study Sessions, New York State School Boards Association’s Annual Convention and Tradeshow in New York City, NY; (2010). Board Self-Evaluation - How Are We Doing? New York State School Boards Association’s Annual Convention and Tradeshow in New York City, NY; (2013-2016) Rochester Business Alliance/Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce: Customer Service, Writing, Business Communication, Presentation Skills, Listening Your Way to Increased Productivity.