The WordPress Training Team’s Journey Towards Creating Accessible and Engaging Educational Materials

The open-source community thrives on collaboration and the sharing of knowledge. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on inclusivity and accessibility in educational materials. The WordPress Training Team is at the forefront of this movement, continually striving to improve the quality and accessibility of their training resources. We invite researchers, educators, and open-source enthusiasts as contributors in creating inclusive education within the open-source community.

Courtney Robertson

By Courtney Robertson

Courtney Robertson, an accomplished Open Source Developer Advocate at GoDaddy, a dedicated WordPress Training Team Faculty Member, and a co-founding board member of The WP Community Collective, effortlessly engages audiences with her relatable insights on getting involved and supporting contributors in the open source community. Staying true to her roots as a professional educator, Courtney seamlessly merges her teaching expertise with her passion for technology. Serving developers, website creators, and open source enthusiasts, Courtney delivers immense value by drawing from her rich background as a computer science educator and full-stack developer. She is driven by a strong commitment to onboarding the next generation of contributors and advocating for sustainable funding solutions for open source developers.

WordCamp Buffalo 2023 is over. Check out the next edition!